Задания для домашней и самостоятельной работы для студентов групп 3 курса:
"Технология продукции общественного питания", "Строительство эксплуатация зданий и сооружений", "ТО и ремонт автомобильного транспорта"
1. Семинар 1. "Geograhpical position of different countries"
The Russian Federation | The United Kingdom | The USA | Murmansk Region | |
Location |
Borders and countries, seas and oceans |
Surface |
Water resources |
Mineral resources |
Climate |
2. сборник упражнений Голицынского Ю, упражнение 266
3. сборник упражнений Голицынского Ю, упражнение 268
4. сборник упражнений Голицынского Ю, упражнение 269 (группа 2231-11)
5. сборник упражнений Голицынского Ю, упражнение 262 (группа 2131-11; 2141-31)
6. сборник упражнений Голицынского Ю, упражнение 271
7. сборник упражнений Голицынского Ю, упражнение 255, 256
Семинар 2. "The political systems of different countries"
The United Kingdom of Great Britain |
The United States of America |
The Russian Federation |
The lagislative branch |
The executive branch |
The judicial branch |
The political parties |
Семинар 3. "The economecal systems in different countries"
Industries and agriculture | The United Kingdom of Great Britain | The United states of America | The Russian Federation |
Heavy industries | |||
Light industries | |||
Agriculture | |||
8. Make your own resume (CV) Look the video. http://dfiles.ru/rmv/3181461420331435 or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-_yoja7e8c
Application letter to your CV http://dfiles.ru/files/9a3k0hrql
9. Write a personal letter to your friend
10. Write a business letter. Look the video. http://dfiles.ru/files/dtmb17jhb, http://dfiles.ru/files/k1apflp5x
Презентация по написанию деловых писем: /pravila_napisanija_pisem.ppt
Пример делового письма:
5 October 2008
Mr James Hilton
General Manager
JMK Co Ltd
34 Wood Lane
Great Britain WC2 5TР
Dear James
I have pleasure in inviting you to attend our special conference to be held at Sheraton Hotel, London on Thursday/Friday 10/11 December 2009.
This intensive, practical conference for businessmen aims to:
increase your business productivity
enable networking with business partners
The seminar is power-packed with a distinguished panel of professional speakers who will give expert advice on many useful topics.
If you would like to join us please complete the enclosed registration form and return it to me before 30 August with your fee of ₤50 per person.
I look forward to seeing you again at this exciting conference.
Yours sincerely
John Smith
Conference Secretary
Ю.Голицынский "Грамматика:сборник упражнений" /golicynskij-anglijskij_jazyk-grammatika-sbornik_up.doc